
All products are shipped for free, no extra charges will be added on shipping on this site. However, extra charges might occur in your country depending on toll and customs import fees. Most packages are shipped with ePacket. Check availability of ePacket in your country. If ePacket is not available, the next best shipping solution will be used. ePacket is usually the fastest and most reliable, therefore, if ePacket is not available in your country the product shipping time might be longer. An average shipping time information is provided under every product description. If your product has not arrived within this time frame please get back to us with an inquiry.


Note: For products shipped to Sweden outside the EU/EES zone a standard package import delivery fee of 75 SEK from PostNord will be applied for orders below 1500 SEK. For orders above 1500 SEK a fee of 125 SEK will be applied. More info:


VAT is included in the prices and will not be charged extra on checkout. If this would occur anyway please report it to us.

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